Art Direction Campaign Delivery Media Strategy
In response to COVID border restrictions, the University of Waikato created an “Autumn Intake”, specially designed for those who may have had their year disrupted and be considering study. Urgency and a brief requiring fast cut-through paved the way for a new approach to this campaign, in a market saturated with a fairly typical formula shown below:

Short time frames and restricted access to typical production options during lock-down meant we needed another way to get to market quickly. Enter the animal kingdom, with the adaption of the Chameleon leading the charge. Beautiful stock shots proved both visually striking and cost-effective, while standing out from both the recycled material of the competition and all the COVID “We’re here with you” messaging of the time.

The animals were brought to life across a range of digital applications, including messaging to inspire the desire to study, alongside specific subject offerings available in the new intake.
The short 3-week campaign delivered well above expectation, with improved click-through rates, reduced bounce rates and cost per clicks, overall generating 92 active admissions for Autumn School.
“King St has proven to be both proactive and reactive, with frequent demand from the University to react with campaigns in reduced timeframes. The team have always taken challenges on headfirst, have delivered results and this is in part thanks to their depth of University knowledge and the history of tried and tested platforms.”
- Michaela Goldsmith, Marketing & Campaign Manager
- Michaela Goldsmith, Marketing & Campaign Manager